About us

Gertjan Vlaar (1985)

Education: Architecture Academy of Architecture Amsterdam (2014)

In 2007, well before graduating, Gertjan started working as an architect in training together with Wouter Butzelaar (1960) on various projects, such as health care complexes, student housing in Amsterdam, libraries and an urban plan in Purmerend. Like Wouter, Gertjan approaches each assignment with consideration of often surprising perspectives, in order to arrive in an undogmatic manner at an optimally functioning building design that fits the context.

Gertjan is an enthusiastic and determined architect, who masters craftsmanship down to the last detail. Through his extensive experience and as a team player he knows how to bind stakeholders to him.

Mobile Gertjan: +316 -45 37 03 42

Wouter Butzelaar (1960)

Education: Architecture Delft University of Technology (1988)

After graduating, Wouter started working as an architect with Peter de Clercq Zubli (1932 - 2014). During this period (until 1994) he worked on extensive projects in Amsterdam, such as the Rembrandt Tower, Mondria Offices, Nissan European Headquarters, the Okura Hotel and various residential towers.

After five years of fruitful collaboration, Wouter decided in 1993 to set up his own office with numerous housing projects in his portfolio. In 1998 Wouter entered into a partnership with Max van Son (1961), an exciting period during which the architectural firm grew with various school projects, housing complexes and the Dakpark in Rotterdam to become the top 25 (2011) of most productive firms in the Netherlands. Gertjan Vlaar (1985) joined the partnership in 2014.

Wouter is characterized as a true entrepreneurial architect with a very creative mind and an extensive network of real estate related parties.

Mobile Wouter: +316 -51 06 04 44

Butzelaar CS, Architects

What are we good at?

Butzelaar CS Architects has been active in the market for more than 30 years with many innovative projects. In the first place we are creators; we create ideas, connections, possibilities, collaborations; we do this through our programmatic and spatial concepts.

Communication is very important to us; a good project is made together. We are used to working together with governments, developers, investors, landowners, end users but also with representatives of various interest groups.

Nationally and internationally much has been published about the architectural firm and its projects. Completed projects and designs of our hand can be found throughout the country. Our field of work is broad; from urban planning, living, working, learning, lodging, care related, logistics, industry, recreation to interiors of public buildings. We do not shy away from any job.

We elaborate our assignments from sketch to working drawing, both in Autocad and in Revit. We do this with a team of designers with whom our office collaborates on a flexible basis. Our broad network also enables us to approach the right consultants for the successful development of every conceivable task. Together with our client we assess what is needed to achieve a successful end result.

But above all we are flexible; we love new challenges. Our broad network enables us to always find a suitable answer to new assignments.
